miércoles, 7 de octubre de 2009

“If You've Ever Wondered How A Select Few Marketers

Stuff The “Big Bucks” Into Their Pockets While Never
Having A Product, A List Or Even A Website, Then...”

Shuffle your schedule... Turn off your phone... Do whatever you have to do... But make time to read every word on this page. Because the guy who turned Affiliate Marketing on its ear in 2008 is now taking you to 2009 and beyond...

The 121 Page Turn-By-Turn Roadmap To The Big-Money Affiliate Cash!

The totally new cash-sucking affiliate formula rebuilt from bottom to top!
No... I didn't reinvent the wheel...

I threw the wheel away and replaced it with a virtual hover-craft that floats you right to the cash, avoiding all the roadblocks lesser marketers must navigate...

A brand-new map that bends the learning curve into a straight line...

And the system that gives you up-to-the-minute tips, tricks and tactics for stuffing big money into your pocket...
  • Even if you don't have a website...
  • Even if you don't have a list...
  • Even if you never create a product of your own!
Seriously... you'll never market the same way again!

And yeah, I made the manual quick and easy to follow. But...
It all gets “idiot-simple” when you click “play” and learn from my...

Next Generation Hands-On
  Video Learning Series!

It's a proven fact:

There is no easier way to learn new material, than by watching and following along...

Now you just watch and follow me as I show you exactly how you'll start and run your affiliate marketing business like a kingdom built on cash!

Seriously... these easy-to-follow videos make this plan simple enough for a 7 year old to follow...
Once you watch and duplicate the lessons I provide, failure isn't even an option!

You get 10 videos, each a masters class on the biggest issues marketers deal with today...

Video 1:  The SEO Code Uncovered

Video 2:  Cash-Sucking Blogging

Video 3:  Using XXXXXX For A Secret Swarm Of Traffic

Video 4:  Video Marketing On A Shoestring

Video 5:  Beyond Web 2.0 Tactics

Video 6:  Content Creation Made Super-Simple

Video 7:  How To Always Choose A Profitable Niche

Video 8:  List Building Secrets Of The Affiliate Stars

Video 9:  How To Become A Person Of Influence

Video 10:The Master Plan To Earn Affiliate Mega Cash  

Enough Explanation... I'm Ready!

And you'll turn the search engines into your own personal money machine with...
Search Engine Domination
Mini E-Book!

The perfect companion to this course...

I took every easy-to-use SEO dominating tactic and put them in 1 simple to reference document.


The winning strategies are right at your fingertips.

Others who have tried (unsuccessfully)
to duplicate my system, haven't even thought of this! But with SAC-2.0 you get it free!
You even get a full update to my other best selling course...
The “Cracked Code 2”
Mini E-Book!

I broke the original course down, and updated it to work in 2009... and beyond!

Older strategies reworked, revamped and reimagined!

The ripoff gurus out there will charge you big bucks
for an update like this. But because you're investing in SAC-2.0 today, I'm throwing this update in free. Not as a special bonus, but as part of the package!

If you had any reservations thinking SAC-2.0 was just an little update to the original, you now know it's not.
The update is handled completely in this mini e-book.  
The rest is brand-new!
Now you're never left wondering what to do now... or what to do next, with...

The Daily Planner
For Internet Marketers!

Everyday I hear from those who have become successful using my programs.

You've read some of them on this very page...

But I also hear from those who have never even tried.

And one of the biggest reasons they give for choosing to do nothing is...

They don't know where to start. Well... I fixed that with SAC-2.0's follow-the-leader system...

An now I'm fool-proofing it with this daily planner that never leaves you wondering what to do... EVER!
And... I'm Going To Change Your Mind Right Now, With...

The Money Mindset!
The success of “The Secret” has shown just how crucial mindset can be to the profitability of any business endeavor...

That's why I'm including mindset affirmations geared especially to marketers!
Now that little push some of you need to get moving, is right with you... anytime you want it.

This just might be the document that marks the turning point in your online success!
Plus... For The First Time Ever... A Free Addon Created Especially For The Brand New Marketer...



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