miércoles, 23 de diciembre de 2009
WSO : Jeremy Kelsall's latest 

Instigating For Dollars

"What If There Was A Way To Literally Force People To Visit Your Site AND Give You Money..."

We all want to make money, right? Some of us do and some of us don't...SIMPLE. Well, on the surface, it is simple...but, there is a reason for it and deep down in your gut - You already know what that reason is!

People that make money WORK AND IMPLIMENT SYSTEMS - PLAIN AND SIMPLE. We find something that works, we twist it, we bend it, we customize it, then we beat it to death until money won't stop falling out the other end. It's a good feeling when that happens.

People that don't make money USUALLY don't do anything except for read forums and whine about how everyone else is making money but them. If you fall into this group, when will it end? When will you get on the winning team? When will the money start to flow for you?

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