martes, 23 de marzo de 2010

Membership Site Tactics 2.0

“For A Short Time I Will Give You Membership Site Tactics and Continuity
Shenanigans Offering All these Advantages..”
-How to work 5 hours a month and make $19,000 from your membership sites
-Secret software to design your membership site layout in 3 minutes
-How to Setup your membership site in under 6 minutes with free software
-How to fill up to a month’s worth of content in 17 minutes a day at most
Dear Marketer,
I know what you want – because you already told me!
LIsten: I just finished a $497 per person training program on membership site
tactics and continuity shenanigans that makes me…
$19,000+ a month for
just 5 hours of work
I worked personally with people just like you – who want to enjoy the same passive
income. And by getting in the trenches with them, I discovered what was really
stopping you from making money “the easy way” on the internet.
Actually it’s 4 things – and they’re all easy to fix.
The Membership Site Design
& Password Protection
Wouldn’t you love to have a “professional” and easily customizable membership site
design you could set up in 4 clicks of a button?
And then password protect your membership site in under 6 minutes – all for free?
I’ll show you how – and give you the 4 designs I use that cost me thousands of
dollars to personally create.


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