martes, 23 de marzo de 2010

Top 6 Super Affiliate Secrets

A winning system is born…
While Charlie was into promoting sports posters and memorabilia, I figured there would be a pretty big demand for posters of actors, movie stars and other celebrities. Over the next few months I built a couple of celebrity websites promoting celebrity posters — and I added a banner for a dating site, just to experiment. The sites weren’t exactly masterpieces, since I wasn’t exactly an expert web programmer (I’m still not!), but they worked. And I started to receive checks in the mail too.
The great thing was… as Charlie said… there are lots of different markets out there. Lots of posters and lots of celebrities! Once I learned how to put together a website and find the information and photos, all I had to do was keep replicating the process!
I had one website earning $50/month, then I built another one. Then I was making $100/month.
Then I built more… and I was earning more than enough to survive on while completing my studies.
I even handed in my pizza delivery uniform: I was never going back to earning $5/hour working for someone else ever again.


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