viernes, 9 de abril de 2010
Read Greed 1.0 
Instantly Make Money With This New Bot

There exists a web site called ReadBud ( This web site pays you to read articles and then give them a rating. I have coded a program that automates this process. All you have to do is go to, sign up for an account, pick 50 categories of interest, and then run my bot. Note: your username is your email address you signed up with.

readbud - get paid to read and rate articles

You can run multiple instances of my program at the same time. Why am I giving this program away for free? Well right now its sort of beta and the next version will be able to rotate account and proxies automatically.

Readbud pays out via paypal after you have accumulated at least $50 per account. You can see how this is some nice software  Oh and this version will always be free. The rotation version will only be like $20. Give me at least up to a week to be done with that one.


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