jueves, 28 de octubre de 2010

This is THE WSO
you've been holding on to your $19.95 for!

An Easy, Step-by-Step, newbie-friendly
that makes building a successful, 
money-making, internet business a cinch!

For impatient people like me that don't like to wade
through sales letter blah, blah, yada, yada...
here's the skinny:

Hi. My name is Ralph and you may have seen a couple of my other WSOs lately. Cool stuff, if I say so myself. But it may not have been anything that lit your fire.

However, this WSO... this WSO is the BOMB!

I'm a technician – a programmer by trade - and generally don't go for all the hype and the flash. So when I start using superlatives... well, you can believe something super-spectacular is coming your way. And, here it is:

You are a couple of mouse clicks away from a SYSTEM designed to shove money into your PayPal (or ClickBank) account. Now, you've heard that before, I'm sure. You may even have tried some of thoseother "secret systems" but they failed you because:
  • It took too long to create your product
  • Writing the sales letter to sell your product was too hard
  • It cost TOO much to drive traffic to your website
  • Building a website was too "techy" and complicated
  • You couldn't get anyone to do a joint venture with you

Am I talking to YOU? If I am, it's because I know... I've been there. That's why I got excited about this system. With this system, here are six (6) things that you DON'T have to do:
  1. You don't have to create a HUGE product - Always a problem for me. I was looking for the product that I could sell to THOUSANDS of people. You'll make good part-time money with this system with only a few dozen sales.
  2. You don't have to sit at the computer for 3 weeks writing a sales letter - I write pretty well, but it takes me forever. No sales letters to write in this system!
  3. You don't have to create a complicated website - As I mentioned, I'm a technician, so creating websites is a no-brainer for me. But this system uses easy, uncomplicated websites that anyone can learn to setup.
  4. You don't need a big list to get started - I don't have one, do you?
  5. You don't have to have an affiliate program to get started - Starting your own affiliate program gets hundreds of people selling your product - that is, if you can convince hundreds of people to sell your product. (This system lets you make money selling the product yourself. Once it gets going, it'll be easier to get affiliates later.)
  6. You don't have to waste time learning a thousand confusing tricks to beat the search engines - I've learned a lot of them. Most of the "tricks" change every few months - so you've got to learn more... a waste of my time.

It's called Micro-Continuity. If you've heard of it already, then you know that the Micro-Continuity concept involves three things:
  1. Micro (small) Sites - No need for huge 500+ page sites to try to get ranked by search engines. Small sites work just fine
  2. Micro (small) membership base - There are people who crave information about all kinds of things: building a potato gun, extreme sports, overcoming addictions, improving relationships, increasing gas mileage, and on and on.
  3. Micro (short) time periods - It's a lot easier to get people to pay you $15 for 3, 6, or 12 months than to get them to pay you "$15 every month until you and die". $15 a month for 6 months puts a limit on the purchase and on the commitment. It's almost like a payment plan, and most of your customers will familiar with that! :)

Now, just suppose you could just get 75 people from the all over the world (world wide web - remember?) to pay you $15 a month for a year to, say, become their local potato gun expert?
BOOOOM! $1150/mo!
How 'bout if you could find 2 other areas where you could shell out good information to say 25 and 50 users? Now, you're looking at 50+25+75 = 150 x $15 =
BOOOOM! $2250/mo! 
* in your spare time *
* from home *
* in your pajamas *
* while you sleep! *

Download for free

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