martes, 11 de enero de 2011

Instead of forcing your visitors to see popups, why not ask them to Tweet instead! Tap into Twitter's 100 million plus users with this hot new popup style marketing tactic. Make Twitter your slave with one line of code! More tweets = more exposure = more traffic = more money!

Twitter Traffic Pop Featutres

* Fully customizable CSS included
* Optional close button
* LOCKS out page functionality behind the popup!
* Cookies remember users who already 'Tweeted' about your site
* Works on all sites and big and small
* Viral, Twitter styled pop-up is proven to induce more tweet traffic.
* Make Twitter your slave with one line of code!
* Great for PREMIUM CONTENT areas or even have your uses tweet ads for you!

Includes full source with documentation and demo examples, and I have even included a blank template for you to build pages off with no set-up required!


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