jueves, 24 de marzo de 2011

"People Just Like You Have Used These Powerful Email Marketing Strategies To Make $705 With One Email, In ONE Hour, With A VERY Small List"
Dear Friend,
I don't know if you can relate or not, but NOTHING used to frustrate me more than working so hard at 'building my list', just to finally send out an email offer with absolutely no results...

I couldn't understand it!...

Every where I turned, marketer after marketer would be there saying "the fortune is in the list, the fortune is in the list!", but I couldn't even get my subscribers to open the emails nonetheless buy anything...

I was left wondering was it just me, or was I the only one who just simply couldn't make any money with email marketing...

I honestly tried. I bought course after course (some of them ranging upwards to $1997) trying to figure out how to tap into this 'fortune' everyone was talking about...

I changed the subject lines, rewrote the offers, and the only reason it seemed like people would open my emails was to unsubscribe... 




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